There is a lot going on right now, but I’m concerned about jinxing anything, so I’ll stay quiet. But the pregnancy is going well, I haven’t gained any weight, my blood pressure is under control, and the doctor thinks everything is going as well as it can be, better than it probably should be, considering that I’m technically high-risk. More about that in another entry. I don’t feel like going on and on about medical stuff just now.
In lieu of a real entry, I am going to post about one of my major pregnancy frustrations – finding plus sized maternity clothes. I realize that fat women aren’t supposed to reproduce, but really, there is not a single place in the Valley where I can try on plus sized maternity clothes. Any store that has a maternity section doesn’t carry anything in plus sizes – Target, in particular, goes up to XXL (which doesn’t fit my upper arms, thighs, or across my chest) and most other places I look only go to XL. According to Motherhood Maternity, they do not carry plus sizes in the Holyoke Mall location. The specialty plus size stores, such as Lane Bryant, The Avenue, and Dress Barn Woman do not have maternity clothes in their Holyoke and West Springfield locations. I’ve been reduced to shopping online, and hoping that things fit.
So far I’ve patronized JCPenney’s online maternity store and Fashion Bug’s online maternity store. [aside: I am also sincerely regretting that I did not register when I first thought of it (the initials of my maiden name) because JCPenney uses that as their main domain and probably would have tried to by it from me. Damn.] I shop at JCPenney online for the same reason I would shop at JCPenney in real life - I need work-appropriate, boring, functional clothes. I have been pretty satisfied with my clothes from them, especially in that I don't expect their maternity clothes for fat ladies to look any better than their regular clothes for fat ladies. And the clothes I wanted to be work appropriate ARE work appropriate, so that's good. Fashion Bug was a great find - they were putting their winter/fall clothes on clearance, so I got 4 tops with shipping included for $40.98. They are all very cute and make me feel better about being fat and pregnant. A bonus is that the tops are just as long as they should be, which is excellent design. I have a hard time finding regular plus size tops that cover my torso, so I was VERY concerned about torso+baby. So far, so good.
Thus ends my brief, boring post about maternity clothes. Tune in next time when I lament the flip-flops are not appropriate for work or church, because that is all my swollen pregnant lady feet want to be in.
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